Waffle Page

The Waffle House

Whether we stopped off while traveling or grew up near one, travellers of interstate highways have fond memories of The Waffle House, which serves up Southern hospitality and fantastic fattening food at its 1,500 restaurants around the United States. Waffle House Home Page

Waffle House Jukebox Favorites: songs about The Waffle House. I've read that the staff hate it when people play this album on the jukebox. Never, ever annoy someone who has access to your food just before you eat it.

Waffle House Menu (PDF): very colourful with lots of photos. The contents are probably outdated by now.


The amazingly thin outer skin was the color of dark amber. Each cubic indentation was rounded in that wonderful waffly way. Steam liberated itself from the fluffy yellow clouds within. The small scoop of whipped butter was falling from opacity to transparency on contact with the heat and the syrup caught and distorted the overhead lamps as it began to sink into the mass of the baked beauty.

An excerpt from The Waffle Sutra:

Let the prongs of steel align with the recesses,
Sink down and liberate part of the whole,
Part a region three wells on one side and four on the other,
Let there be honey in all of them,
The third side being the crisp outside curve,
And when the taste is consumed with eyes closed,
Wafela calls this 'The Unseen Hive'

Worldwide Waffles

The Waffle House Shrine: Reader-contributed Waffle House memories and stuff.

Waffle Bra
Made and modelled by Kirsty the Girl Pirate.

"Frozen didn't work. They got all soggy and mushy when I tried to work with them. Then of course, the whole 'frozen' aspect presented other problems. I didn't like the colouring of toasted. I finally left them out to dry, without cooking them. It is sad that I've put this much effort into this, isn't it? aahahahah"

On her website she sells some of her rather nice jewelry (sans waffles).